March 24, 2023


On March 24, 2023, a concert of the Capital Symphony Orchestra conducted by Vladimir Gorbik will take place in the Great Hall of the Central House of Scientists. The program of the evening includes Franz Schubert's Fifth Symphony and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's Fortieth Symphony. While the first of these symphonies is an infrequent guest on the concert stage, the second is likely the most famous and beloved of Mozart's works.

The proximity of these two works in the program is not accidental. Schubert's Fifth Symphony is often characterized as the most "Mozartian" work in his legacy. It appeared in 1816 and completes the composer's early symphonic experiments, the years of his studies with the classics. His music indeed largely follows the precepts of the Viennese classics. The orchestra of the Fifth Symphony is very modest in composition: there are no trombones, timpani, clarinets in the score; it is transparent and full of truly Mozartian elegance.

Mozart's Fortieth Symphony, which has become a kind of hallmark of the great composer, is also one of his most mysterious works. It is still unknown whether it was performed during Mozart's lifetime. Researchers to this day do not give an answer to the question of what purpose, for what event, Mozart wrote his last three symphonies, including the famous Fortieth. Schumann described it as "Grecian lightness and grace", and Mozart scholar Alfred Einstein as "a composition full of true fatalism". One can only guess what impression Mozart's Fortieth Symphony made on its first listeners, with its unique harmonic boldness and many other composer's discoveries with which Mozart saturated the score of his G-minor symphony.

The music of Schubert and Mozart will be performed on March 24 by the Capital Symphony Orchestra, a well-known ensemble beloved by the public. At the conductor's stand will be its founder and artistic director, Vladimir Gorbik. Performances of the orchestra under the maestro’s baton are traditionally accompanied by full houses, rave reviews from the public and the press. Critics speak of the conductor as follows: “He is so passionate about the process of making music on stage during a concert that sometimes you do not realize the natural presence in the hall. This is really the music of some higher spheres! Vladimir Gorbik is an amazing musician with his original vision and perception of the musical world. Any symphonic score comes to life in his hands. He is able to captivate and lead not only the performers, but also the listeners” (portal “Musical Seasons”).

Any concert of the Capital Symphony Orchestra - a company that has already made itself known more than once - is certainly a significant event in the musical life. The orchestra and its conductor, Vladimir Gorbik, appoint for us a new encounter – on March 24th , 2023, in the Great Hall of the Central House of Scientists.